
Your Acupuncturist

Kerry earned her Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese medicine (MSTOM) at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She completed nearly 3000 hours of training in this time honored profession. Her training includes 750 hours of western studies including pathophysiology, pharmacology, and biophysics. This extensive training in both eastern and western medicine allows her to offer truly integrative care. Included in her training is nearly 500 hours of instruction in Chinese herbology and over 1000 hours of clinical training. An instructor at her college had this to say about Kerry: “In my 16 years as a clinical supervisor, there are just a handful of individuals who stand out in my memory as stellar…Kerry is in this group.” She is a California board certified acupuncturist, which means that she is a licensed primary care physician in the state. She is also a nationally certified acupuncturist and herbalist. She continues to expand her education by taking certified continuing education classes year after year. Her continued studies include anti-aging therapy, facial rejuvenation, sports improvement through traditional oriental medicine, and Master Tung’s Acupuncture methods.


I would love to hear from you. Please contact me and let me know how I can help you feel better today. I am not only a well-trained practitioner, I take pride in developing supportive relationships with my patients. Trust me to help you achieve the health you’ve always wanted.

Contact Kerry Today